

Abl: The standard is grammatically or morphologically marked to express an ablative (‘from’) meaning.

Else: The standard is grammatically or morphologically marked using a strategy that appears in non-comparative constructions with a distinct meaning, not related to time or place.

+NoCompMk: The comparative function is not marked.

+CompMkAff: The comparative function is marked using a special affix (prefix, suffix, or circumfix).

’A kilometer is shorter than a verst.’ (Winkler 2011: 84)

’A kilometer is shorter than a verst.’ (Winkler 2011: 84)

’What are you thinking of?’ (UdmCorp.)

’A kilometer is shorter than a verst.’ (Winkler 2011: 84)

’A kilometer is shorter than a verst.’ (Winkler 2011: 84)

In Udmurt the standard of comparison is either marked ablative case with the suffix -leś (1) or is followed by the postposition śaryś (2). This postposition also appears in non-comparative constructions with a distinct meaning not related to time or place (3). The comparative property of the predicate is either unmarked (4)–(5), or is encoded using a particular suffix (1)–(2) (Keľmakov – Hännikäinen 2008: 129). The most general form of this suffix is -ges, but other forms are also used. The choice between the different forms seems to be dialect-based: -gem is used in the southern periphery and the central dialects, with -gez also used in the eastern central region besides -gem. In the north and the eastern central region -dźyk can also be found (Winkler 2011: 86).

Author: Laura Horváth

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