
AdNumNoCase & AdNum=NCase & PronNum=NCase

AdNumNoCase: Adnominal numerals are not inflected. (No numeral agreement.)

AdNum=NCase: Adnominal numerals are inflected the same as the nouns they modify. (Total numeral agreement.)

PronNum=NCase: Pronominal numerals are inflected the same as the nouns they replace.

’for five books’ (Perevoshchikov et al. 1962: 148)

’from (the) five kolkhoz workers’ (Perevoschikov et al. 1962: 148)

’from (the) five kolkhoz workers’ (Perevoshchikov et al. 1962: 149)

’into both places’ (Strelkova 2011: 89)

’… out of 15 people they chose three.’ (Tuala udmurt gožjaśkiśjos: Ada Zaitovna Dieva)

In Udmurt cardinal numerals do not agree with the noun they modify (1), with the exception of numerals with a determinative suffix, which agree in case (2)–(4), and sometimes even number (3). Cardinals numbers substituting whole noun phrases inflect for case the same way as nouns do (5).

Author: Erika Asztalos

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