DemAff: Case is marked on demonstratives using suffixes.
case | ta-iz busy |
this-DET meadow
’this meadow’ | ta-os-yz busy-os |
this-PL-DET meadow-PL
’these meadows’
NOM | ta-iz busy | ta-os-yz busy-os |
ACC | ta-ze busy-jez | ta-os-se busy-os-yz/busy-os-ty |
GEN | ta-iz-len busy-len | ta-os-yz-len busy-os-len |
ABL | ta-iz-leś busy- leś | ta-os-yz-leś busy-os-leś |
DAT | ta-iz-ly busy-ly | ta-os-yz-ly busy-os-ly |
ABE | ta-iz-tek busy-tek | ty-os-yz-tek busy-os-tek |
INSCOM | ta-in-yz busy-jen | ta-os-yn-yz busy-os-yn |
ADV | ta-iz-ja busy-ja | ta-os-yz-ja busy-os-ja |
INE | ta-jaz busy-yn | ta-os-az busy-os-yn |
ILL | ta-jaz busy-je | ta-os-az busy-os-y |
ELAT | ta-iśt-yz busy-yś | ta-os-iśt-yz busy-os-yś |
EGR | ta-iśen-yz busy-yśen | ta-os-iśen-yz busy-os-yśen |
PROLAT | ta-iti-z busy-ti | ta-os-ti-z/ta-os-yz-ti busy-os-ti |
TERM | ta-jaz-oź busy-oź/ ta-oź-jaz busy-oź | ta-os-oź-jaz busy-os-oź |
APPROX | ta-iz-lań busy-lań | ta-os-yz-lań busy-os-lań |
(Tarakanov 2011: 127–128)
ta | ǯök-ez |
this | table-ACC |
‘this table (accusative)’ (Tarakanov 2011: 126)
ta | ǯök-len |
this | table-GEN |
‘of this table’ (Tarakanov 2011: 126)
Udmurt has the following demonstratives: ta ’this’, so ’that’, tače ’like this, such’, syče ’like that, such’, tamynda ’this many’, somynda ’that many’ (Tarakanov 2011: 125). In adnominal cases the demonstratives ta ’this’, so ’that’, tače ’like this, such’, syče ’like that, such’ have the determinative suffix -iz, -jez (taiz, soiz, tačejez, syčejez) in singular, and -yz in plural (taosyz, soosyz, tačeosyz, syčeosyz) and agree in number and case with the head noun (1) (Tarakanov 2011: 127). In the absence of the determinative suffix there is no number and case concord (2)–(3).
Author: Laura Horváth