

AdnDem=DeclPronDem: Adnominal and pronominal demonstratives have identical stems, but they differ in their inflection (for example, the existence or type of agreement).

’I have been working with these from grade 5.’ (UdmCorp.)

’in these villages’ (Keľmakov – Hännikäinen 2008: 61)

’from these rivers’ (Keľmakov – Hännikäinen 2008: 63)

In Udmurt demonstratives (the distal as well as the proximal variants) are used both in pronominal or adnominal function. However, there is a difference between the two regarding nominal agreement. In the pronominal function plural marking and case marking are present (1) as opposed to the adnominal usage (2). In the latter case plural marking and case marking appear only in the presence of the determinative suffix (3). (Csúcs 1998: 288, Keľmakov – Hännikäinen 2008: 62–63, Winkler 2011: 74)

Author: Laura Horváth

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