
VSupplT & VSupplElse

VSupplT: Verb stem suppletion occurs across tenses.

VSupplElse: Verb stem suppletion occurs across other lines than tenses and aspects.

’There are books and houses here.’ (Nazarova 2014: 90)

’That was pure jealousy.’ (AnnushkaZagumennova 01.12.2013)

’This book was yours.’ (Alatyrev et al. 1970: 106)

’Itt házak lesznek.’ (Asztalos 2018: 120)

’Be ready!’ (pioneer greeting)

’It would be nice to organize a small play and concert.’ (Udmurt corpus)

In Udmurt, the existential verb (which is used both as a proper existential verb and in a copular function) has the roots va- ~ vy- in past and present tense as well as in evidential past (1)–(3). In future tense (4), imperative (5) and conditional mood (6), however, forms with lu- as the root are used – both in the existential (4), and copular (5)–(6) functions. The latter are inflected forms of the verb luyny ’be, become; usually is; may be; allowed’, which has a full and regular paradigm (Csúcs 1990: 54).

Author: Erika Asztalos

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