

NoDepTense: The tense of the dependent predicate does not depend on the tense of the main predicate; it appears in the same tense as it would in an independent clause (natural tense).

’They told the pilot lieutenant that he had a daughter only at 23:15.’ (Alasheyeva 2011: 51)

(2)mon čem-ges nočem-ges malpa-nykutsk-i
I frequentCOMP and frequentCOMP thinkINF beginPST.1SG
što monso-ja-zulon-ynvorgoronvaldyršuysa hogy énaz-INE-DETélet-INEférfiCOP.PST PCLhogy
’I started thinking more and more often that I might have been a man in my previous life.’ (UdmCorp.)

In Udmurt, the tense of the dependent predicate is its natural tense; it is not affected by the tense of the main predicate.

Author: Laura Horváth

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